Jobs for Single Moms Stories

Her Heartbreak was My Platform

Sloan Echavarria

My mom was 35 years old when she became a single mom of 3 girls.

She didn’t know how to drive, had been evicted from her home, and was struggling to survive a heartbreak of a broken 13-year marriage.

As a school bus monitor, she picked up early morning and late afternoon shifts at work so my sisters and I could “pool” with other bus drivers to get to school. She paid for driving lessons and secured income-based housing until my Junior year of high school. I watched my mom, a stranger to this country, raise 3 college graduates. She made it possible for us to visit Europe, South America, and much of the states. She created her own social network and set her own rules of engagement.

I am now a wife, homeschool mom to 4 children, a university student, and owner of 2 businesses. And when people tell me “You are Superwoman” I simply reply, “No, I’m not. But I was raised by her.”

I challenge myself today to be the very best version of myself because if my mom could start over at 35, there is nothing I cannot achieve at 31.

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